Educational Services - Salim Idriss Building (Head office)

On the basis of the close link between education and social developement, which issue is a top priority for them, the Social Welfare Institutions (SWI) – Dar Al Aytam Al Islamiya assign a primary importance to the education services. To this end, the SWI have initiated the Education field in order to answer to the social effects resulting from the decline of the school and college levels and its negative impact on the economical development.
The Education fiel is aimed at the young school drop-outs and the students with difficulties and offers them a chance to pursue their studies through academic and vocational programs adapted to their special capacities and needs.

Non academic education program for young school drop-outs
This program concerns the 6 to 16 year-old students who have been rejected by schools, and rehabilitates them according to their capacities. It covers the primary schooling period and is divided in five grades: preparatory, elementary, medium, capability and aptitude.

Academic education program for students with difficulties
The SWI education field comprises an elementary school which accommodates students with learning difficulties, managed by a dedicated pedagogical team under the direction of specialists, who provide the students with every kind of equipments  and services in order to facilitate elocution and expression, as well as motor, sensory and psychological treatments and educative, medical and social rehabilitation services.

Literacy program
This program applies to illiterate 8 to 16 year-old children and intends to provide them with an average reading and writing level as well as other social capacities. It is divided in three steps: principal, complementary and auxiliary.

Professional education program
The professional education program addresses 13 to 18 year-old youth with the aim to give them a vocational theoretical and practical training in numerous and various sectors, in order to prepare them to join the labour market or to pursue higher education.

This program includes two principal levels:
-    Specialisation program for the young with a good reading and writing level but who have not benefited from a normal schooling
-    Vocational preparatory program for the students who graduated from the elementary cycle and vocational program for the students who graduated from fourth grade

Selim Idriss Centre
This Centre, created in 1933 within the Tarik Jdide Principal Centre provides three services:
-    Non academic learning program for the young school drop-outs
-    Academic learning program for the student with difficulties
-    Working Mothers’ Children Care Services