Al Omr Al Madeed Club

Accomodates more than 200 beneficiaries et provides daily care through the following programs:
Cultural and recreational programs:
    -    Conferences on preventive medecine and other themes such as social, environment and religious issues.
    -    Exercices in memory stimulation.
    -    Theatre, art exhibitions and festive celebrations.
    -    Publication of a monthly magazine entitled «Golden Years» edited by the elderly.
    -    Allocation of the beneficiaries within several committees (culture, public relations) in order to boost their capacities, exercice their hobbies and make the most of their experience.
    -    Visits with other third age centres.
    -    Organisation of awareness sessions on a number of themes such as computer science, floral and sweets decoration and table settings.
    -    Individual experience enhancement and consultation of the beneficiaries about their professional knowledge. This program has been successfully applied within the SWI centres and institutions.

Social programs:
    - Visiting SWI pupils and students and schooling establishments and participation in the program of generational dialogue entitled «Let us build together».
    - Internal and external volunteering.
    - Family counselling.
    - Social awareness campaigns on the themes of retirement and third age readiness.

Medical and preventive programs:
    - Preparation of meals in accordance with healthy food prescriptions.
    - Regular specialised exams for elderly people under the supervision of gerontology and specialised nursing personnel.
    - Medical awareness prevention conferences on third age ailments and preventative measures, over-medication risks, general hygiene and anti-pollution awareness, measures against fall hazards, psychological counselling to prevent anxiety and nervous breakdowns, etc.
    - Provision of free long-term medication.
    - Gymnastics, physiotherapy and functional therapy under specialists’s supervision.
    - Awareness and alertness sessions.
    - Specific mental ailments tests (Alzheimer, Parkinson) and psychological tests to ensure early screening and effective treatment.
    - Training of all the third age working team members in all the programs.
    - Encounters and meetings with universities and higher education institutes and establishments students to inform them on community useful professions such as gerontology, nursing care and kinesitherapy for third age people.